Tips for Lawn & Landscape

Tips to help you keep your lawn and landscape looking its best!

Large droplets and even coverage is best!

Large droplets and even coverage is best!

Watering your lawn

Water is the life blood for your grass, it can also be quite expensive if you water with municipal sources. Sometimes it's a challenge to balance the green of your grass to the green in your wallet, especially during the hot summer months. To help get more water to the root zone, water at night. This will reduce water lost to evaporation and give it time to soak in. Use sprinklers that put out larger droplets, these are also less susceptible to evaporation. When watering flat areas, water for longer times less frequently. This will help get water deeper into the ground and help train your roots to grow deeper. Deeper roots will help your lawn fight back against heat and wind. When using an automatic sprinkler system, you can change the number of days each week that it waters, less frequently in the cooler months, more often when it's hot.


mowing your lawn

There are a few practices that you can do when mowing to improve the look and health of your lawn. First tip is mowing height. Most grasses in our area should be mowed at 2 1/2 to 3 inches. Mowing the grass too short can cause damage to the grass and will cause it to dry out quicker, making it require more water to stay green and healthy. During the hot summer months, you may want to mow a little taller to help the lawn retain water better.

Second tip, change directions where possible when mowing. This will help to prevent ruts and laying the grass over by mowing the same path each time.

Also, keep your mower deck clean and the blade sharp. This will help give your lawn a nice 'clean' cut and prevent damage to the grass.